Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Double your tomatoes

There's a very easy way to double your tomatoes.
There is a great book called Organic Tomato Magic that can double your tomatoes by just following some simple rules. Here are two golden rules to help double your tomatoes and make them gorgeous.

1. It's the FRUIT that needs the sun-light, not the leaves. Yes, the leaves need sun-light too, but only in the early stages of the plant. Most people make a critical mistake when the plant reaches maturity, and let the leaves hog all the energy, not the fruit. This is why tomatoes taste sour, why the plant doesn't produce as many tomatoes is it can. You need to know how to groom tomato leaves and leaf branches, and you need to know how to do it properly, or you could do more harm than good.
2. Air Flow. When you have a big leafy bush of a tomato plant, the leaves restrict the vital flow of fresh air to the fruit. This isn't good for the tomatoes, and it's dangerous in colder climates, and a recipe for fungus disease - it's why so many people in colder climates lose plants to fungal diseases. To form incredible tomatoes, what the plant needs most of all is water and air. It needs water to create the tomatoes, and air to help it breathe!

Just like you breathe heavier when you're running or doing something difficult, the plant needs to breathe more when it's in the process of making fruit. It makes sense.

There's a great guide by Organic Tomato Magic to help you double your tomatoes.

Visit http://www.squidoo.com/doubleyourtomatoes for more information and link to download a copy.


Monday, 12 October 2009

How to stop tomato disease

Trying to stop tomato diseases when a plant is young is vital to ensuring a good crop.

The problem is that a lot of people grow their tomato plants incorrectly in it's infancy.

The result?

The plant is unable to drink as much water as it needs to give you the best harvest. This is because the leaves and leaf branches try and take the lion's share of the energy.

Also it means the plant end up choking to death as it can't get enough Carbon from the air.


Because they're growing too many LEAFS, not Tomatoes!

Even some green fingered gardeners will be surprised to learn that tomato plants actually only require as little as three leaves to survive. It sounds strange but it's true, cutting back to just three leaves at the eight week mark will make for ideal growing conditions and run the risk of the tomato plant becoming diseased.

At the 8 week mark, most people will have about 40 or 80 leaves! This is serious trouble for the tomato plants. Here's why.

1. The tomato leaves and the leaf branches suck away all the food, water, and energy from the fruit! They need to be removed so that the food, water, and energy goes into the flowers(the fruit)

2. The tomato leaves form a thick coating around the entire tomato plant. This prevents the flow of fresh air to the plant! You'd think the tomato plant could breathe, but it's suffocating!

The tomato plant needs a constant flow of fresh air! The air needs to be re circulated about 60 times per minute. The leaves inhibit this process.

3. If the weather becomes too humid, the huge jungle of leaves offers a nice damp area of fungal diseases and all kinds of other nasty stuff to form and kill your plants within 48 hours or less.

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